Have you ever noticed that on many occasions we buy things that don't need, with money that we do not have, to impress people we do not even fall well?
We try to be at the height of the bourgeois, but when finally we get it, they take another loan!
You are accepted with Christ at this time.
God does not give you change in order to be able to love him:
He loves you so that you can rename it! God loves you so much as he loves Jesus.
You are with Christ, What and Where is he? Seated in the heavenly places. You are also sitting in those heavenly places, even if you have not his address on the planet Earth.
You are enthroned with Him.
When was the last time you were compared with another person? It is time to untie himself from the yoke of the comparison and be free as a child (a) of the King!
Amen. Yes, praise God that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly places.